Saturday, February 23, 2019


In my last post I mentioned how I will be creating a documentary for my final media project this year.  I have been really excited to start this project and I have been brainstorming ideas for months. Earlier in the year I created a documentary about the tragic events that took place at Marjory Stoman Douglas Highschool in February of last year, and how these events had a major effect on the security at my high-school, Cypress Bay. I was very happy with how it came out, but there are a few aspects of it that I would improve. I would love to have the opportunity to go back and improve this documentary and make a new one with the same concept but on a much bigger scale.
My other idea was to create a documentary about women in sports. I have a huge passion for sports and I know many female athletes so I thought it would be super cool to create a documentary that focused specifically on them. I myself do cross-fit so that would be the main focus of my five minute part of the documentary. My best friend, Emily, (who does cross-fit with me) has agreed to be the main subject and talk about how the sport makes her feel empowered and has changed her life. 
As of right now I am trying to decide between these two documentaries, so I am going to do some research to try to help me make a decision!

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Final Results!!

Here it is, what you have all been waiting for! Poster :  Documentary :