Saturday, March 2, 2019


I have began to look at websites from other documentaries to try to get ideas about how to do mine. I came across the website for the film Icarus ( which is a Netflix original series. I absolutely loved the way the website was laid out. The top of the page features a tab that has: a link to the trailer, Information about the film, reviews, features (which has all the articles and news channels it has be talked about on) and Speaking Engagements. 
Overall the website is very clean and simplistic, which makes it easy to navigate I also really liked the format of the website, which is one where you scroll down. I also really liked that they linked their social media pages and offered a contact page at the very bottom.  
I am also going to begin look at websites which allow me to create a free website. In the past I have used Wix, but I had many issues with it. It is very slow when loading and sometimes doesn't save all your work. I really liked the websites that you can design with Wix, because they have so many options to choose from that really allow you to customize the website that you are creating, but it also has many flaws. So I will begin to play around with some other wesites just to see If I like them.

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Final Results!!

Here it is, what you have all been waiting for! Poster :  Documentary :