Today I have taken the time to continue to edit the documentary. While I was editing I realized that I never blogged about one GIANT obsicale that I faced during this whole editing process. Earlier in the blog I mentioned how I wasnt able to acess the fottage that I had from Emilys interview because the cord for my camera broke. Because of this I wasnt able to see what the footage really looked like untill about a week later when I had the chance to buy a new cord. When I FINALLY was able to upload my footage, I was shocked to find that everything I filmed was for some reason completly crooked.
I completly panicked and had no idea how to fix this,
so of course I googled it.
I learned that there is no possible way to fix this problem on IMovie, but adobe premire does have a feature that allows you to tilt your videos. This was another issue becuase I dont have Adobe Premire, so I prayed that they had a free trial and to my suprise they do! So I sighned up for the free trial, downloaded Adobe Premirem and to my relif I was able to fix it!
Heres what it looks like now! After adjusing each clip I downloaded all them as Quicktime files so that I could import them back into IMovie because I am very unfimiliar with adobe premire, and it is very confuing to use. This was definatly the biggest obsitcale I've faced yet.